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Alec Soth, Gathered Leaves

In the Deichtorhallen in Hamburg we saw the exhibition “Gathered Leaves” by the American photographer Alec Soth. The exhibition brings together four of his photo series. In “Sleeping by the Mississippi” we see portraits of the mainly underclass of America as well as interiors and landscapes. “Niagara” takes us to the kitschy décor surrounding the falls of cheap honeymoons and ordinary motels. “Broken Manual” is all about the desire to disappear, to turn away from society. A series of newspapers that Alec made with a writer friend resulted in the series “Songbook”, snapshots in hard black and white in all corners of the country.

The exhibition can be seen until 7 January 2018


Aarhus Denmark




Mook-Middelaar 1964, reclamefotograaf vanaf 1988. Vader, (zee)zeiler en jazz liefhebber. Bekijk werk op www.johnkraft.nl.

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