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Cactus design – Polaroid

Cactus design on a kitchen splashback

Our cactus design image has been taken with a Sinar technical camera on the famous “4×5 inch” Polaroid 55 material.

This Polaroid material is an extremely high-resolution positive/negative film for finely detailed black and white prints (and negatives). The key is to rinse and dry the negative as quickly as possible to use it for a print. Or like we did, digitically scan and edit the negative.

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Our “Cactus” on your kitchen splashback



Langen Foundation


These Strangers...Painting and People


Mook-Middelaar 1964, reclamefotograaf vanaf 1988. Vader, (zee)zeiler en jazz liefhebber. Bekijk werk op www.johnkraft.nl.

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