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Kitchen splashback Mariënburg

In 2018 we visited Plantation Mariënburg in Suriname. On the plantation founded in 1745, sugar cane was processed and later also planted. Sugar cane was also processed into rum. The plantation has an illustrious history with of course a black history of slavery. After the abolition of slavery (1863), poor workers were recruited from India and Java. The working conditions were so bad that the workers revolted in 1902, resulting in dozens of deaths. On the photo that we offer as a kitchen splashback you can see the machinery with which the sugar cane was bruised. Slowly nature takes over the plantation.

inspiration for your kitchen back wall

kitchen splashback at Angela


Keuken achterwanden van klanten Part-9


Wandkleden van biologisch katoen


Mook-Middelaar 1964, reclamefotograaf vanaf 1988. Vader, (zee)zeiler en jazz liefhebber. Bekijk werk op www.johnkraft.nl.

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